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Elevate your interview game: Review and refine your pitch and plan

Welcome to the third instalment in my blog series about recruitment and interviewing. If you haven't read the previous blogs,...

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Become pitch-ready: Your interview success begins with preparation

Landing your dream job is not just about having the right skills; it's about presenting yourself and selling the story of...

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Mastering the art of interview strategy: It’s just a sales campaign

Securing your dream role is not just about showcasing your skills and qualifications; it's about navigating the interview process...

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Award Winners!

We are proud to kick off 2024 by sharing some brilliant news that we've been eagerly waiting to reveal – inspir'em has been named...

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A Different Kind of Christmas List

Near Christmas every year, I’ll have a conversation which reminds me of one of the first blogs I wrote. It wasn’t about...

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The Mid Career Wobble - Crisis or Opportunity?

A common concern I hear from employees, coaches, mentees and other industry peers is our approaches to mid-career wobbles.

When we start...

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2021: Growth vs Comfort

2020 presented many challenges. Most challenges were not by our choice.

In some cases, we thrived with the new challenges. Working from...

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MEDDIC - Not Just for Salespeople

What is MEDDIC?

MEDDIC is the qualification framework of choice for unicorns, scale-ups and start-ups, and it's something which has been...

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The ‘COVID Grind’ & Rediscovering Career Joy

The coronavirus has changed many things in our world over the past 6 months, positive and negative.

One of the biggest challenges I hear...

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Create a Personal Feedback Loop

What do people really think about you and your work?

Do you solicit feedback and opinions?

Are you brave enough to ask for feedback?


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Working From Home: Well-Being & Trust

So, working from home?

Our collective health depends on this ‘new normal’ and for those that are able, working from home is...

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Sustainable Coaching Cultures

All companies aspire to achieve ‘the best company culture’.

However, few are able to articulate what a good culture means,...

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Hate Networking? Connect instead

Do you often think you need to ‘network’ more?

Or become more skilled at networking?

Maybe even you have it on your...

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Be Courageous in 2020 not SMART

Personal development always gets a boost with the dawn of a new year as we focus on the possible achievements of our next chapter in...

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The Many Roles of a Leader

Last week, I had the great pleasure of working with a team striving to be better leaders. One of the sessions we ran questioned ...

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