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What is MEDDIC or MEDDPICC in Sales

MEDDIC is a sales qualification technique

It is so successful that MEDDIC has become the industry standard for SaaS technology and business-to-business (B2B) sales organisations worldwide.

The MEDDIC methodology was designed to help sales organisations standardise their sales language.

MEDDIC drives greater efficiency into the sales machine by:

  • Increasing deal sizes.
  • Reducing sales cycles.
  • Increasing closed revenue.

In short, if you desire hyper-growth, you use MEDDIC to qualify your deals.


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How do you use MEDDIC?

It’s important to understand that MEDDIC is a qualification technique. It’s how you do business, and it should not be confused with what you do in sales.

A sales process is what you do. MEDDIC, or a qualification technique, is how you do it.

It’s about driving curiosity in your sales machine to question, qualify and better understand customers. This will naturally lead to increased forecast accuracy and increased revenue closure.

MEDDIC is an acronym to easily remember core elements of qualification.


What does MEDDIC stand for?


M is for Metrics—essentially the numbers associated with your deal to qualify:

  1. Your time.
  2. Your customer’s priorities by understanding their pain and challenges.
  3. The impact you can have on their business—the value you can bring to a case for change to solve the customer’s priority concerns, or opportunities.

E is for Economic buyer—the ultimate decision maker who can assign cash to a purchase.

To avoid being confused with a budget holder or signatory, we seek a “Profit and Loss” owner who can set priorities and budgets.

Dc is for Decision criteria—this is the customer’s shopping list, which has criteria they see as essential to meet their requirements.

This is also your list to ensure your differentiators feature as their criteria for a purchase.

Dp is for Decision process—every customer has a process to buy everything, from paperclips to software.

Typically, there will be a written policy for every procurement stage, from choosing a vendor to executing contracts.

I is for Identified pain—often, I is called Implicated pain.

Pain is the reason the customer seeks a solution or will take your call in the first place. Imagine it’s the fire driving their purchase.

C is for Champion—the person with power and influence, a track record, something to gain and access to an Economic buyer who can get your deal prioritised and over the line.


What about MEDDICC versus MEDDPICC and other spellings?

Over time, MEDDIC has been adapted in organisations, and additional letters have appeared to specifically help with qualification in areas where customers may be challenged.

Here are some examples of the extra letters and why they might feature:

P is Partner—perhaps you sell through a channel, and it’s imperative to ensure partners are involved in purchases, even if they are contracting with the customer. This extra P helps to ensure the partner process is front of mind and that no delay happens in your sales cycle due to extra teams involved.

P is Paper/Procurement Process—this P is to identify challenges in an elongated sales process. This P often features in complex IT sales where there is an extensive services/implementation engagement for which a detailed statement of work needs to be created.

C is Competition—in highly competitive environments, competition is often flagged to ensure your teams set the agenda early to box out the competition and set pricing for a value-based negotiation.


What is the benefit of using MEDDIC?

MEDDIC, or MEDDPICC, is all about creating a common language for a go-to-market organisation to help make the sales process more efficient.

Efficiency creates time and choice, ultimately driving a better-qualified pipeline and conversion of deals.

It’s all about revenue.

Bigger deals. Faster.


Who is MEDDIC for in a sales organisation?

Often mistaken as something for sales only, MEDDIC, in fact, helps the whole sales organisation to be more effective.

Metrics and Identified pain help marketers understand ideal target markets. With this information, they can create better marketing materials to entice new leads and prospects into your business.

Metrics, Identified pain, and Champion help sales development reps create better-qualified leads for the salespeople to work on.

Identified pain, Metrics, and Decision criteria focus pre-sales teams on the use cases which matter to the customer. Metrics can help stack rank critical elements for a solution demo. Decision criteria can flush out any biases or needs to fit your solution to the problem.

Identified pain can focus the implementation plan so the services team delivers the biggest wins for the customer early in implementation, driving customer advocacy.

Metrics and Identified pain can be used by customer success to create great case studies and advocacy to drive stickiness, reduce churn, and help create more new leads, back into the beginning of the process.

These are just a few examples. MEDDIC is for everyone in the entire sales process.


Drive curiosity

MEDDIC is all about driving curiosity in a sales process to make your customer-facing teams more efficient. By implementing MEDDIC, you can create a common language to become more efficient, ultimately driving additional revenue.


Start applying MEDDIC today 

We offer a variety of MEDDIC and MEDDPICC sales training courses to suit everyone, no matter your level of sales experience or the size of the organisation you work in. 

For tips on applying MEDDIC in the real worldsign up to our fortnightly newsletter.

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