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Phoenix51 navigated the early stages of the start-up world & raised investment for them to grow

‘We now have a solid business that we can take to the next level. Emma has shown total belief in Phoenix51 from day 1”


Client Background

Phoenix51 is a state-of-the-art talent assessment platform enabling organisations to make data-driven decisions along the employee journey; from hiring through to benchmarking and development.



The Challenge 

The client had a solid SaaS business idea but no experience in the field. They had no funding and they launched mid-pandemic. They needed to find a business mentor to navigate the early stages of the start-up world; in terms of both investment and go-to-market strategy for early-stage businesses.



The Solution – Business Consultancy

The solution was a mixture of monthly mentoring and structured deliverables to help the team at Phoenix51

  • Understand how to run a SaaS business
  • Understand how to prioritise for growth
  • Articulate their business to the market & investors
  • Understand ARR & costing strategies
  • Consider tax vehicles & funding strategies 



The Timeline

Jan 2020 - Phoenix51 concept created. Inspir’em instructed.

Sept 2020 - Phoenix51 launched.

Nov 2020 - 1st round of seed investment secured of £150k.

Aug 2021 - 20 customers on platform all paying ARR.

Dec 2021 - 2nd round of seed investment secured of £400k.


The Outcome

After 15 months of operation, Phoenix51 now has 20 enterprise clients and in 2021 turnover was in excess of £500k.

"As a coach Emma doesn’t just turn up once a month to collect her fee; she is an invested mentor, teaching essential business process throughout to prepare you for your future"

Lee McQueen

Founder & CEO - Phoenix51

Thanks for your interest in our case studies

We have consolidated a number of our case studies into a PDF format.

This PDF includes:

  • Redgate – 7 Wonders Sales Management Training
  • Redgate – MEDDPICC Training 
  • Phoenix51 – Start-Up Consultancy Services
  • TytoCare - MEDDIC Training
  • SAM Labs - MEDDIC & 7 Wonders Training
  • AccessPay - MEDDIC Training

Please enter your details and the link to the case study PDF will be sent directly to your inbox.

If you have any questions about the case studies please email us at [email protected]

Read other customer case studies from inspir'em

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7 Wonders
Sales Management Training

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MEDDIC & 7 Wonders